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Der G-Dur Akkord

Ukulele 2 G-Dur

Ukulele 2 G-Dur

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Der G-Dur Akkord.

Der dritte Akkord den wir lernen, ist der G-Dur Akkord. Wenn du vlt schon mal Gitarre gespielt hast, wird dir dieser Griff als D-Dur vertraut vorkommen. 

Setzte dazu den Zeigefinger auf den 2. Bund auf die 3. Saite (von unten). Mittelfinger auf den 2. Bund auf Saite 1 und den Ringfinger auf der 2. Saiten in den 3. Bund.

Zum Üben habe ich den Song "He`s got the whole world in his hands" herausgesucht. Dazu brauchen wir den C und G-Dur Akkord.

Auch bei dieses Song schlagen wir immer alle Saiten gleichmäßig im Takt mit dem Zeigefinger an.

He` got the whole world in his hands


He` got the whole world in his hands.

He` got the whole world in his hands.


He` got the whole world in his hands.

                   G                           C

He` got the whole world in his hands.

2.||: He's got the tiny little baby in his hands. :|| 3x
He's got the whole world in his hands.

3.||: He's got you and me, brother, in his hands. :|| 3x
He's got the whole world in his hands.

4.||: He's got the the son and his father in his hands. :|| 3x
He's got the whole world in his hands.

5.||: He's got the mother and the daughter in his hands. :|| 3x
He's got the whole world in his hands.

6.||: He's got the sun and the moon in his hands. :|| 3x
He's got the whole world in his hands.

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